"What is love to you?"

“He’s my person, and I think I’ll always love him. He literally knows more about me than any other human being on the planet, more than my therapist. It’s that kind of love where, as nice as it would be if we end up together, I would just be fulfilled knowing that he’s happy. And if someone else makes him happy then that’s perfectly okay. In my wildest dreams we would date or get married, but I'm overjoyed just being his friend. He actually makes me cry because he cares so much about me, and he makes me a better person everyday. Most people don’t even have that with the person they’re in a relationship with, but I have that with my best friend. People say you can’t know what love is in high school, but I think we’ve proven them wrong.”

After reviewing my critiques, one thing I did well was capture meaning through the correlation between the words on the necklace and the quote. I could improve the image by making the words "You're my person" a little clearer on the necklace (though I already increased the exposure and clarity here).


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