Hanging or Suspended

Hanging or Suspended

ISO: 200
Shutter speed: 1/8
Aperture: f/16

What compositional element(s) did you choose? How did the compositional element(s) add to the meaning or purpose of the photograph?
I chose the compositional elements "Fill the Frame" and "Texture." Along with the black and white editing, this helps contribute to the ominous mood. Like most images that are more zoomed in, if the hangers were not taking up the entire frame, the photograph would not have the same effect of making the viewer question what the picture is really about. 

Do you think you were successful in translating your thoughts into a visual form? What aspects of the photograph lead you to this conclusion?
I believe this is a successfully composed photograph. I used literal clothing hangers as a pun and created a suspenseful mood to satisfy the theme "Hanging or Suspended." 

What would you do differently if you did it again?/What would make it better?
If I redid this prompt, I would go back to my original idea of photographing the popping of a water balloon using a very fast shutter speed, but I would make sure I had the proper equipment. I was unsuccessful in this before because my images would come out too dark since I did not have an external flash. With the shutter speed being so fast, not enough light was being let in. 


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