Shutter Speed Exploration

Shutter Speed Exploration
October 18, 2018

ISO 400
Aperture f/4
Shutter speed 1/2000

ISO 400
Aperture f/5
Shutter Speed 1/000

ISO 400
Aperture f/8
Shutter speed 1/250

ISO 400
Aperture f/16
Shutter speed 1/60

ISO 400
Aperture f/22
Shutter speed 1/30

In this activity, I kept the ISO at 400 for every photo, and the camera automatically adjusted the aperture settings. However, I changed the shutter speed for each image to see how it affected the clarity. After taking five different pictures, each with a different shutter speed, I learned that slower shutter speeds produce more motion blur. Since Carina was jumping while I took each photograph, shutter speeds of 1/1000 or faster produced the clearest images. 


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