Meaningful Object

I decided to photograph my favorite pair of sunglasses from when I was a toddler. They look like fish and have two layers, with the outer layer flipping up to expose regular glasses underneath. Many of my first memories were captured through these lenses, so I wanted to be able to share that. 

I chose to use the compositional elements Rule of Thirds, Texture, Depth of Field, Balancing Elements, and Color Contrast. By not placing the glasses in the middle of the frame, I made the photograph more visually pleasing. Additionally, by putting them in the foreground while providing a background containing their reflection and a different texture, I added depth and variety to the overall image. The smaller reflection of the glasses balances out the larger subject in focus. Also, the bright color of the glasses contrasts against the dull foreground and background, which makes them pop and adds to their sense of being cheery and youthful. 

I believe that the photo is successful in translating my thoughts into a visual form. I was able to make the glasses the focal point while still providing variety in the image. And, their reflection allows the viewer to see them from both sides, as if he or she is wearing them.

If I took this picture again in the same setting, I would use artificial lighting and position the glasses slightly more sideways. Ideally, though, I would like to take this photograph at the beach because that is where I wore these sunglasses most often when I was little. I would have sand in the foreground and place a mirror behind the glasses to capture their reflection.

After editing


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